šŸ§˜šŸ½Ā Let Me Tell You a Story

In Aquaculture industry water quality is the most important thing that affect in many aspect, It's the foundational pillar upon which the health, growth, and overall well-being of aquatic organisms hinge. As the life-sustaining medium for these organisms, water quality governs parameters like temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, ammonia, salinity, and more. Hence, the collection, analysis, and utilization of accurate and comprehensive data concerning water quality emerge as a fundamental necessity for the industry's optimal performance. This data empowers aquaculture practitioners with insights to proactively manage and manipulate environmental conditions, fostering thriving aquatic ecosystems and bolstering the industry's sustainability and success.


DELOSĀ Aqua is a science-driven aqua-tech company seeking to disrupt the traditional and fragmented aquaculture industry in Indonesia seeking the solution with maintaining solid farm operations in multiple farms and coming up with new strategies for farm operations and design. AquaHero is a Farm Management app that brings accessibility and transparency for the benefit of shrimp farm management. With AquaHero, tracking your aqua farm's performance is as easy as clicking a button.

šŸ’­ So Whatā€™s the Pain Point?

To make precision and accurate data user need to upload their template table to AquaHero Web to get some insight into a chart or graph that specifies every parameter in farm cultivation, but to make this synchronize there are some obstacles to workflow in farms. Hereā€™s the sample from the current workflow for uploading data.

As we can tell from flowchart below, thereā€™s a different session for each farm, and thereā€™s some layer for roles in farm. The problem in here as we can define the upload data and showing chart will be back date rather from actual data of water quality in farm.

Parameter for input data is also important metric to decide whatā€™s actionable item that can do in farm. Base on this parameter we can detect if thereā€™s anomaly in pond like disease or abnormal water quality early, so can preventing failure in cultivation.

Parameter Metric.png

Thereā€™s total 50 metric needs to input by user to submit daily monitoring data, to maintain accuracy data of shrimp farm cultivation everyday. Latest condition user input all of this data using excel template, by collecting data and processing formula manual and then user upload filled template into AquaHero to submitting their data and condition in farm.


šŸ¤”Ā Thereā€™s a Chance to Make it Easier

Some user base on behavior mostly using mobile for communication and coordination in farm, why donā€™t we use this commonly behavior to make their works easier. Mobile application for input data is the main idea in here, user collecting data for each ponds in farm using a paper, after taking note with paper user scanning the paper using mobile phone so AquaHero mobile can convert this photo scan into solid data and sending it to server of AquaHero.

Thatā€™s the first idea but to manifesting into working app thereā€™s an obstacle about timeline and advance development. So how we can simplify this work flow of input daily monitoring data, improve the workflow in farm is the first that we can do before amplifying others work flow.

Farm Flow.png

By separating flow into 3 session farm manager can manage to input actual and synchronize data.

From that ideation of fixation workflow, so we decide feature that make AquaHero has unique selling point that also ideation from user pain problem.